You may have met Rylan while she has been working behind the front desk. Her smile beaming, even behind her face mask, happily checking everyone in to their favorite classes, answering questions, and wishing everyone farewell as they leave, sweaty and blissful. But if you haven't joined her for a yoga class, you're missing out! Her classes are full of heart and soul, just like her. Wise beyond her years and sweet as sugar, Rylan may be a newer member of our team, but we already love her like family. She also teaches our Kids Yoga Class on Mondays at 4:30pm. Get to know her by reading her written interview below!
Q: How did you find yoga and when did you know you wanted to become a yoga teacher? A: My best friend, Sydney Aiello, who previously worked at Evolution Yoga, introduced me to yoga when she was going through her yoga teacher training. I spent a lot of time that summer being her guinea pig student, following along with her flows, learning breath-work and meditation, and helping her study. I saw such a big change in the way she felt about herself as well as the way she acted and felt. It is beautiful watching someone you love find something they’re so passionate about and using it to find their way through their struggles. I knew that learning more about yoga was something I needed to do to help me work through a lot of my struggles. Months went by and I went off to school. In March of 2019 Sydney passed away and I slipped into a very deep depression unable to function normally or find happiness and love in anything that I did. A few months after her passing and after lots of therapy, I was able to begin thinking and seeing more clearly and knew that yoga was something I had to pursue. Not only did I need yoga for my own health, but I knew that I wanted to dedicate my time and energy to helping others find and move through this beautiful practice. Q: What do you feel your purpose is as a Yoga teacher? A: Through all of the hardships I have faced at such a young age I have always found my way out and used those experiences to make me stronger. I believe I was put on this earth to help people heal and guide them through their yoga practice physically and mentally, as well as supporting them off the mat. My purpose as a Yoga teacher is to spread positivity, love, and encouragement to my students and show them the endless possibilities provided with yoga. Q: Who Inspires you? A: My mom is definitely my biggest inspiration. My whole life she has been the strongest person I know and has shown all of her children that it is okay to feel your emotions and talk about them. She has been and continues to be someone that understands me for exactly who I am and who I want to be. Regardless of any situation she has been faced with she always finds a way to find a positive, come out on the other side, and show compassion. She supports me no matter what I choose to do. My mom is a rockstar! Q: What’s your favorite thing about working at Evolution? A: My favorite thing about working at Evolution is the fact that everyone feels like family. I look forward to coming into work and seeing Max everyday. The energy here is so positive and uplifting. Teaching here has helped me break out of my shell and become confident in my abilities to share my messages with the world and guide people through their yoga practices. I always feel encouraged and supported by the people taking my classes as well as the Evolution Yoga staff. Q: When you’re not teaching classes at Evolution, what are you doing? A: Away from work I spend A LOT of time with my dog, she is my baby! I love using my creativity to paint and write. There is never a shortage of projects going on in my house. I enjoy spending time outside, meditating, and being with my family and friends. I am in school full-time studying Business Management and I host monthly Reiki events with the lovely Valerie.

I loved reading about the unexpected benefits of adopting a regular workout routine. It’s interesting how something like regular exercise can boost mental clarity, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. This reminds me of how important it is to stay mentally sharp when preparing for a front end interview preparation. Just as exercise strengthens the body, a structured approach to interview prep strengthens your skills and confidence. Consistency and preparation are key in both areas – whether it’s building strength or acing that next interview. Small, regular efforts lead to impressive results over time!